Academic language, especially academic writing, poses a lot of challenges for both native and non-native speakers. Trust me, I’ve been there!
If you’re struggling to write your term papers, reports, dissertations, or theses because you think your writing style is too informal, you’re not alone. A lot of college students find it hard to express themselves using the right words and phrases, whether or not English is their first language. In other words, they probably know exactly what to say, but can’t figure out exactly how.
I can help you with your academic writing more effectively in two different ways:
a. Click here for a post containing 70 examples of academic language organized by key word.
b. If you feel you need something more comprehensive, check out my Amazon bestseller, with nearly 50,000 copies sold as of November 2023: The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need.
The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need contains 600 (!) “sentence templates” organized around 8 thematic areas such as establishing a research territory, stating the aim of your paper, and data analysis. At the end of each chapter, you’ll also find lots of useful grammar and vocabulary tips as well as a short quiz to help you keep track of your progress.

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